I'm grateful:
71. for the discipline and public "accountability" of of multitude monday
72. for the "nuggets of joy" that seem to eventually come to the person looking for them
73. for my husband's faithfulness to love me, day in and day out, over 35 years
74. for gorgeous sunsets
75. that happen over and over and over
76. for living in a place where I get to watch pelicans fish on a regular basis
77. for children who help waken their napping infant cousin with kisses
78. and parents who allow and encourage it
79. for grandchildren bursting in through the front door with hearty greetings and tales of the latest adventure
80. for David's flexibility in welcoming my mom on our trip to Alaska
81. and chauffeuring us all over the place
82. freeing me to drink in the scenery
83. for the joy of reading books for learning and pleasure
84. for the musician at "our beach" playing a xylophone last night just before sunset
85. for Eli's interest and joy as he danced in the water to the jamaican beat
86. that I could see his mom in his dance
87. for the fiercely strong waves
88. so far out, yet still shallow enough for the little ones to make it all the way on foot
89. and have so much fun trying to body surf and withstand the pummeling
90. for ground broken and work begun on preparing the land for the "construction shed" and future home for Kyle and Michelle's family
91. that the children will be able to watch and help throughout the process, building knowledge and good stewardship that comes from helping to build it
92. for my two daughters-in-law
93. who are very different in so many ways
94. but who each contribute so much to who our family is becoming
95. and also to their friends and communities
96. for the many varied ways I get to witness our sons loving their wives
97. and children
98. for all the young adults we've had live with us for a season...and all the new life and perspective they have brought to David and me:
99. Kyle and Michelle, Joanna, Sam and Amber, Amy
100. for abundant health and the ability to work
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