This week I give God thanks:
101. for honey bees
102. that have lived within our walls for more than a year
after they first came to visit "the homestead"
103. with their gentle nature
104. and their daily work
104. of harvesting and making (in addition to pollinating plants)
105. honey....its distinct taste.
106. for the hope and inclination to find a skilled beekeeper
107. willing to give instruction and move the hive to a better location in our back yard
108. for sitting on the curb with my 3 year old grandson
109. on a hot sun-drenched morning
110. after he finished explaining the A/C system of the John Deere tractor (riding toy) to me
111. listening together to the squirrels quarrel
112. and the birds sound
113. and seeing three honey bees fall to the ground
114. and two different butterflies dance for us.
115. for brushes and paint
116. for glorious color
117. for little boys who love stories and books
118. and moms and dads who wisely feed that hunger and stoke that fire
119. for the satisfaction of long-distance bike rides that our sons are doing together
120. and the physical and emotional benefits
121. for the privilege of getting to know our sons as adults
122. and watching our daughters in law "build" their lives, their homes, their families
123. for the gift of music
124. and David's pleasure in playing trombone
125. and in the "community" that takes place in band and orchestra rehearsals and performances
126. for "family/community dinner" nights at our house
127. the discipline and joy of planning and preparing house and meals
128. for the connection and conversation and deepening friendships
129. for C.S. Lewis
130. and his "Chronicles of Narnia"
131. and David's enjoyment of the same
132. for Leanne Payne's knowledge and perspective of the writings of Lewis
133. and her sharing her marvelous intellect and insights with us through books and lectures
134. for delicious conversations with good friends
135. and paintings that make my heart sing
Thank you for spending time with us last night.
I wish I would have been sitting on the curb with you listening to the A/C explanation.
Sandy, hello friend. My blog is up and running with new posts for you to feed on :)
Will chat with you soon -joAnna
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