I don't remember now what the conflict was. But I do remember it was a seemingly unscalable, impassable mountain in my relationship with my husband. I'm guessing that conflict took place somewhere in the 15th-25th year of our marriage. It wasn't even close to being the first conflict of that level, intensity, and insurmountability. It certainly wouldn't be the last. Or the longest. Or the worst. But I was undone -- completely.
I saw no way out, around or through. My husband exited the room -- or the house --and I slid down the wall in a heap on the floor, weeping, flinging my broken heart and intractable husband at the feet of God, crying out for grace.
Quietly, from a still place deep within/beyond me, came words and music, and I began to sing:
"God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
He works in ways we cannot see---He will make a way for me.
He will be my guide, Hold me closely to His side.
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way."
I sang the lyrics once, twice, four times, then stood to my feet in that spot with a quieted heart. I knew that God had seen, heard, and answered. I would wait with a heart that trusted Him, to see what He would do.
All the rest of that day, and throughout the several days that followed, I sang and hummed that song. No matter what other activity I was involved in, I could hear the words and melody:
"God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
He works in ways we cannot see -- He will make a way for me.."
God did make a way where there seemed to be no way. As He had done many times before and would do many times again in my relationship with my husband.
Thank You, Don Moen and Integrity Music for giving me -- and multitudes of other people over the past three? decades -- so many songs that have taught us how to praise God through song, have ushered us into God's presence and embedded His truths in our heart.
So MANY songs have so greatly enriched my walk with God over the years...bringing hope, healing, thanksgiving, praise, intercession and joy -- more stories to tell later. I am so grateful for the ability to hear and to sing, so grateful for the wonderful gift of music.
1 comment:
Music is such a GREAT gift!!!!!!
Believe it or not I know this song. We used to sing it at FCA. It has been encouraging to me.
Thanks Sandy!!
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